Длительность: 20 мин 8.4

Год: 2013

В центре внимания два рода – Пандавы и Кауравы. Они принадлежат к одной династии Куру, но соперничество между ними не знает границ. Род Пандавы олицетворяет в себе светлое, доброе, божественное начало, в то время как род Кауравы – это средоточие зла, зависти и подлости. Соперничество между двумя ветвями одной династии происходит за власть, богатство, владение столицей страны – Хастинапур. После того как старший и мудрейший из рода Пандавов Юдхиштхир становится царем страны, ненависть и злоба Кауравов переходит все границы: они придумывают подлый и коварный план.
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Режиссер(ы):Mukesh Kumar Singh Камал Монга Амарприт Г.С. Чхабра

Актер(ы): Саурабх Радж Джейн Шахиир Шейх Пуджа Шарма Ахам Шарма Арпит Ранка Пранит Бхатт Арав Чоудхарри Рохит Бхарадвадж Saurav Gurjar Тхакур Ануп Сингх




Серия 1

Shantanu accepts Bhishma as his son

Серия 2

Bhishma saves Vichitravirya

Серия 3

Bhishma defeats King Salva

Серия 4

Amba seeks revenge on Bhishma

Серия 5

Ambika and Ambalika give birth to boys

Серия 6

Parashurama fights with Bhishma

Серия 7

Amba gets a rebirth as Shikhandini

Серия 8

Bhishma offers a marriage proposal for Gandhari

Серия 9

Dhritarashtra comes to know about his marriage with Gandhari

Серия 10

Shakuni dislikes Gandhari's marriage with Dhritarashtra

Серия 11

Gandhari decides to marry Dhritarashtra

Серия 12

Dhritarashtra marries Gandhari

Серия 13

Dhritarashtra rejects Gandhari as his wife

Серия 14

Vidura wishes for Pandu to be the King of Hastinapur

Серия 15

Pandu becomes the King of Hastinapur

Серия 16

Bhishma advices Satyavati to get Pandu married

Серия 17

Kunti gets married to Pandu

Серия 18

Vidura welcomes Pandu and Kunti

Серия 19

Kunti decides to reveal the truth about her past to Pandu

Серия 20

Pandu informs Kunti about the war

Серия 21

Pandu dedicates his win to Dhritarashtra

Серия 22

Pandu kills Maharishi Kindam and his wife, by mistake

Серия 23

Bhishma and Satyavati discuss about Pandu's decision

Серия 24

Kunti bears a son from Lord Dharmraj

Серия 25

Shakuni tries to console Gandhari

Серия 26

Kunti gives birth to Bheem

Серия 27

Kunti gives birth to Arjun

Серия 28

Bhishma becomes delighted by Karna's chariot driving skills

Серия 29

Shakuni lies to Dhritarashtra that the fishermen attacked Duryodhan

Серия 30

Bhagirathi blames Satyavati for the downfall of Hastinapur

Серия 31

Kunti becomes shocked on seeing Pandu dead

Серия 32

Bhishma suggests Shakuni to return to Gandhar

Серия 33

Shakuni informs Duryodhan that Pandavaas are his enemies

Серия 34

Shakuni provokes Duryodhan against Bhishma

Серия 35

Dushyasan and his brothers badmouth about Pandu

Серия 36

Drona takes the ball out of the well

Серия 37

Duryodhan and Dushyasan plan to kill Bheem

Серия 38

Bheem becomes unconscious

Серия 39

Kunti becomes delighted on seeing Bheem

Серия 40

Bhishma sends Shakuni to Gandhar

Серия 41

Yudhishthir and Duryodhan seek Dhritarashtra and Bhishma's blessings

Серия 42

Dronacharya teaches Arjun the art of archery

Серия 43

Duryodhan provokes Ashwathama against Arjun

Серия 44

Eklavya gives his right thumb to Dronacharya as Gurudakshina

Серия 45

Arjun rescues Dronacharya from a crocodile

Серия 46

Karna starts learning the art of archery from Parashurama

Серия 47

Shakuni provokes Ashwathama against Arjun

Серия 48

Shakuni pretends to care for Bhishma

Серия 49

Duryodhan wins the contest against Nakul and Sahdev

Серия 50

Shakuni informs about his plan against Arjun to Duryodhan

Серия 51

Duryodhan announces Karna as a King

Серия 52

Dhritarashtra announces Karna as a King of Anga

Серия 53

Priyamvada requests Kunti not tell the Pandavas about Karna

Серия 54

Karna vows to kill Arjun in a battle

Серия 55

Arjun raises a weapon against Karna

Серия 56

Arjun apologises to Karna

Серия 57

Shakuni vows to take revenge on Bhishma

Серия 58

Dhritarashtra refuses to send his sons for the war with Drupada

Серия 59

Arjun assures Dronacharya that he will avenge his insult

Серия 60

Ashwathama informs Duryodhan that Drupada's commander is immortal

Серия 61

Drupada imprisons the Kauravas

Серия 62

Arjun breaks Drupada's trap and imprisons him

Серия 63

Ashwathama is crowned as the King of Panchal

Серия 64

Duryodhan demands Dhritarashtra to crown him the king

Серия 65

Dhritarashtra decides to crown Yudhishthir, as the King of Hastinapur

Серия 66

Yudhishthir becomes the King of Hastinapur

Серия 67

Lord Krishna saves Arjun and Subhadra

Серия 68

Maharishi Muchukunda's gaze kills Kalyawan

Серия 69

Lord Krishna asks Arjun to convey his meassage to Rukmini secretly

Серия 70

Rukmi learns about Arjun and asks his soldiers to imprison him

Серия 71

Lord Krishna punishes Rukmi

Серия 72

Duryodhan wants Dushyala to marry Jayadrath

Серия 73

Duryodhan informs Karna about his plan to kill the Pandavas

Серия 74

Kunti and the Pandavas leave Hastinapur for Varnavat

Серия 75

Vidura learns about Duryodhan's plan of killing the Pandavas and Kunti

Серия 76

Kunti and the Pandavas perform the puja in Varnavat

Серия 77

Bhishma leaves for Varnavat

Серия 78

Arjun learns about the conspiracy against them

Серия 79

Arjun decides not to return to Hastinapur

Серия 80

The Pandavas dig a tunnel to escape from the burning palace

Серия 81

Bhishma finds the burnt weapons of the Pandavas

Серия 82

Yaaj and Upyaaj assure Drupad that he will be blessed with a boy

Серия 83

Drupad is blessed with a son

Серия 84

Draupadi emerges from the holy fire

Серия 85

Draupadi befriends Malini

Серия 86

The Pandavas enter Hidimba's magical jungle

Серия 87

Drupad appoints Dhrishtadyumna as the commander of his army

Серия 88

Drupad sends Draupadi to exile

Серия 89

Krishna destroys Drupad's army

Серия 90

Bheem becomes fascinated on seeing to Hidimbi

Серия 91

Krishna enlightens Draupadi about the purpose of her birth

Серия 92

Bheem becomes upset on learning that Hidimba is a demon

Серия 93

Bheem kills Hidimb

Серия 94

Bheem marries Hidimba

Серия 95

Hidimba gives birth to a baby boy

Серия 96

Vyasa suggests the Pandavas to stay in Kampilya

Серия 97

The Pandavas seek shelter in a potter's house

Серия 98

Duryodhan throw a bag of coins to Bheem and Arjun

Серия 99

Shakuni suggests Karna to win the competition for Duryodhan

Серия 100

Shakuni asks Duryodhan to befriend Krishna

Серия 101

Draupadi stops Karna from participating in the competition

Серия 102

The Pandavas arrive at the Swayamvara

Серия 103

Arjun succeeds in hitting the target

Серия 104

Shakuni provokes the kings against Arjun

Серия 105

Bhishma asks Vidur to bring the Pandavas to Hastinapur

Серия 106

Arjun requests Draupadi to marry his elder brother

Серия 107

Draupadi decides to marry the Pandavas

Серия 108

Krishna enlightens Drupad

Серия 109

Drupad welcomes the Pandavas

Серия 110

Draupadi gets married to the Pandavas

Серия 111

Duryodhan demands Dhritrashtra to crown him the king

Серия 112

The Pandavas and Draupadi seek Drupad's blessings

Серия 113

The Pandavas arrive in Hastinapur

Серия 114

Vidur tries to persuade Bhishma to forgive the Pandavas

Серия 115

Dhritarashtra banishes Pandu's family

Серия 116

Dhritarashtra announces death sentence for Arjun

Серия 117

Dhritarashtra orders for the Pandavas' arrest

Серия 118

Bhishma decides to divide Hastinapur

Серия 119

Dhritarashtra apologises to Bhishma

Серия 120

Dhritarashtra announces Yudhishthir as the king

Серия 121

Kunti instructs her sons to obey Yudhishthir

Серия 122

Yudhishthir takes the citizens of Hastinapur with him

Серия 123

Yudhishthir informs Arjun that he will have to fight with Lord Indra

Серия 124

Arjun sets the jungle on fire

Серия 125

Agnidev blesses Arjun with a bow, Gandiv

Серия 126

Kunti decides to take Vrushali to Indraprastha

Серия 127

Shakuni allows Karna to take Vrushali to Indraprastha

Серия 128

Kunti asks Karna to convey her message to the Pandavas

Серия 129

Takshak steals the Pandavas' cows

Серия 130

Takshak accepts his defeat

Серия 131

Shakuni suggests Duryodhan to marry Subhadra

Серия 132

Subhadra becomes delighted on meeting Arjun

Серия 133

Krishna suggests Subhadra to abduct Arjun

Серия 134

Arjun and Subhadra get married

Серия 135

Draupadi learns that Arjun has married Subhadra

Серия 136

Jarasandh orders for Duryodhan and Shakuni's arrest

Серия 137

Karna captures Jarasandh

Серия 138

Krishna challenges Jarasandh to defeat Bheem

Серия 139

Bheem kills Jarasandh

Серия 140

Duryodhan becomes jealous of the Pandavas glory

Серия 141

Shishupal opposes to Yudhishtir's decision of worshiping Krishna

Серия 142

Krishna kills Shishupal

Серия 143

Karna rescues Duryodhan

Серия 144

Vidur invites Yudhishthir for a festival

Серия 145

The Pandavas reach Hastinapur, along with Draupadi and Kunti

Серия 146

Bhishma tells Yudhishthir about the rules of the dice game

Серия 147

Duryodhan becomes delighted on wining the first game

Серия 148

Yudhishthir wagers Nakul

Серия 149

Sahadev stakes himself for Yudhishthir

Серия 150

Yudhishthir loses Arjun in the bet

Серия 151

udhishthir loses himself in the bet

Серия 152

Yudhishthir looses Draupadi in the bet

Серия 153

Dushyasan drags Draupadi to the assembly hall

Серия 154

Duryodhan decides to disrobe Draupadi

Серия 155

Duryodhan instructs Dushyasan to disrobe Draupadi

Серия 156

Draupadi decides to curse the Kuru family

Серия 157

Dhritarashtra decides to return the Pandavas' kingdom

Серия 158

Yudhishthir requests Bheem to burn his hands

Серия 159

The Pandavas leave Hastinapur for Vanvas

Серия 160

Yudhishthir becomes shocked on seeing his brothers dead

Серия 161

Hanuman enlightens Bheem with the knowledge of strength

Серия 162

Durvasa instructs Yudhishthir to serve food to him

Серия 163

Mahadev blesses Arjun with Pashupatastra

Серия 164

Bheem shaves Jayadrath's head

Серия 165

Shakuni suspects about the Pandavas whereabouts

Серия 166

Keechak misbehaves with Sairandhri

Серия 167

Keechak identifies Sairandhri as Draupadi

Серия 168

Bheem kills Keechak

Серия 169

Brihannala convinces Uttar to fight against the Kuru army

Серия 170

Bhishma requests Arjun to cease the fight

Серия 171

The Pandavas decide to wage war against the Kauravas

Серия 172

Bhishma suggests the Pandavas to wage war

Серия 173

Abhimanyu showcases his warrior skills

Серия 174

Balaram promises Duryodhan

Серия 175

Krishna asks Arjun for his wish

Серия 176

Arjun requests Krishna to be with him in the war

Серия 177

Draupadi fixes the date for the war

Серия 178

Maharshi Jaimini predicts the destruction of the Kuru clan

Серия 179

Gandhari asks Duryodhan not to wage war against the Pandavas

Серия 180

Draupadi's sons seek her blessings

Серия 181

Draupadi decides not to wage the war

Серия 182

Dhritarashtra instructs Shakuni to return to Gandhar

Серия 183

Dhritarashtra stops Shakuni

Серия 184

Vishnu seeks Devaki's permission to reincarnate as her son

Серия 185

Vasudev decides to leave the new born baby with his friend

Серия 186

Krishna dances on Kaliya's hood

Серия 187

Krishna lifts the Govardhan hill

Серия 188

Kans invites Krishna and Balaram to Mathura

Серия 189

Krishna and Balaram defeat Chanoor and Mushtik

Серия 190

Uttara gets married to Abhimanyu

Серия 191

The Pandavas send Krishna for the negotiation

Серия 192

Krishna suggests Dhritarashtra to return the Pandavas' kingdom to them

Серия 193

Duryodhan fails to capture Krishna

Серия 194

Duryodhan vows to kill Krishna

Серия 195

Karna learns that Kunti is his mother

Серия 196

Kunti meets Karna

Серия 197

Karna refuses to take the Pandavas' side

Серия 198

The armies of the Pandavas and the Kauravas gather in the battlefield

Серия 199

Shakuni reads out the rules of the war

Серия 200

Shakuni asks Karna to comply with Bhishma

Серия 201

Indradev asks Karna for his Kavach and Kundal

Серия 202

Karna donates his Kavach and Kundal to Indradev

Серия 203

Kunti becomes dejected on seeing Karna suffering from pain

Серия 204

Nakul and Sahadev vow to kill Shalya and Shakuni

Серия 205

Bhishma forbids Karna from participating in the war

Серия 206

Krishna wishes to drive Arjun's chariot

Серия 207

Bhishma orders the Pandavas to wage war

Серия 208

Krishna enlightens Arjun about dharma

Серия 209

Krishna enlightens Arjun about the Gunas

Серия 210

Krishna enlightens Arjun about the Karmayoga

Серия 211

Krishna enlightens Arjun about the Bhaktiyoga

Серия 212

The Pandavas attack on the Kuru army

Серия 213

Shakuni asks Duryodhan to kill Yudhishthir

Серия 214

Uttar sacrifices his life to protect Yudhishthir

Серия 215

The Padavas decide to avenge Uttar's death

Серия 216

Dhrishtadyumna decides to confront Dronacharya

Серия 217

Bheem provokes Duryodhan to fight with him

Серия 218

Duryodhan and Bheem have a brutal fight

Серия 219

Bhishma vows to destroy the Pandavas

Серия 220

Bhishma destroys the Pandavas' army

Серия 221

Bhishma surrenders to Krishna

Серия 222

Shikhandini returns to the battlefield

Серия 223

Bhishma apologises to Draupadi

Серия 224

Shakuni stabs Shikhandi

Серия 225

The Pandavas fight against Bhishma

Серия 226

Bhishma rests on a bed of arrows

Серия 227

Bhishma asks Arjun to provide support to his head with arrows

Серия 228

Duryodhan decides to appoint Karna as the new commander

Серия 229

Karna meets Bhishma

Серия 230

Bheem vows to kill Duryodhan and his brothers

Серия 231

Bheem kills Duryodhan's brothers

Серия 232

Karna decides to kill Abhimanyu

Серия 233

Karna fails to kill Abhimanyu

Серия 234

Dronacharya forms chakravyuha

Серия 235

Uttara has conceived

Серия 236

Jayadrath confronts the Pandavas

Серия 237

Shakuni stabs Abhimanyu

Серия 238

Karna stabs Abhimanyu to death

Серия 239

Arjun vows to kill Jayadrath

Серия 240

Arjun kills Jayadrath

Серия 241

Ghatotkacha creates havoc in the Kuru camp

Серия 242

Karna uses the divine weapon against Ghatotkacha

Серия 243

Krishna tells the Pandavas to kill Ashwathama

Серия 244

Bheem kills an elephant, Ashwathama

Серия 245

Dhrishtadyumna beheads Dronacharya

Серия 246

Duryodhan appoints Karna as the commander of the Kuru army

Серия 247

Bheem decides to kill Dushyasan at sunset

Серия 248

Draupadi's humiliation is avenged

Серия 249

Karna vows to kill Arjun

Серия 250

Arjun damages Karna's chariot

Серия 251

Karna challenges Arjun to a duel

Серия 252

Arjun kills Karna

Серия 253

The Pandavas learn that Karna is their brother

Серия 254

Duryodhan regrets befriending Karna

Серия 255

Gandhari wants to save Duryodhan

Серия 256

Krishna ruins Shakuni's dice

Серия 257

Balaram confronts Krishna

Серия 258

Duryodhan appoints Shalya as the commander of the Kuru army

Серия 259

The truth about Duryodhana's body

Серия 260

Sahadev kills Shakuni

Серия 261

Bheem invites Duryodhan for a duel

Серия 262

Bheem cripples Duryodhan

Серия 263

Ashwathama kills the Upapandavas and Dhrishtadyumna

Серия 264

Ashwathama decides to kill Uttara's unborn baby

Серия 265

Ashwathama's Brahmastra damages Uttara's womb

Серия 266

Dhritarashtra decides to kill Bheem

Серия 267

Gandhari curses Krishna
